this site is so new it hasn't even taken its first steps yet. please come back later! Neocities.
i'm working on it, promise! ToT
to prepare/procrastinate my studying i'm learning how to make a website as a study tool. my main issue with learning web design is that i get too many too ambitious ideas for and don't know where to start which leads to me putting my idea folder away when i start another project and forgetting all about websites. the study website is a crystal clear idea and an oppurtunity to finally work on the basics of html, css and java. feeling optimistic and motivated
hello again, i'm now a student who has to learn tons of maths
this is my first blog entry! hi, reader! hello, internet!
i'm not sure what kind of website this is going to be yet, but i'd like a digital home very much.
i first came into contact with the internet when i was around five years old and went from online games for kids to youtubers and to tumblr, which was my online residence for years. i still love tumblr, but i pretty much rent my blog (and someone else took the naturalblue url). so this is me building my own house with driftwood and idk what else to write... have a nice day!